Product designer with a focus on inclusivity


A UX designer focused on accessibility

A product designer focused on inclusivity


Why product design?

I love building useful and enjoyable products. Discovering what users want through user research, how they interact with the product, and testing my hypotheses and designs with them in usability tests is my passion.

Why inclusivity?

I came in contact with inclusive design through my work at Kiron Open Higher Education. In my role as product designer, I interacted with a lot of refugees who didn’t always have a good level of English. It’s then when I started considering how an interface and content in that language could be made as easy and accessible as possible to all Kiron students.

After a student sent a question concerning a blind friend of theirs, I became more interested in the inclusion of people with disabilities, something that was reinforced through my collaboration with two colorblind engineers in my team.

These two first steps turned into a drive to make products that are accessible to everyone, and with which everyone can identify, whatever their skin color, gender, story, and identity.

I believe that good products can make lives better, and that’s what I strive to achieve with my designs.

My portfolio